The Library is Open!
Meet our “Encyclopedia Goldennica” panel
“Golden Girls Forever” author Jim Colucci is coming to Golden-Con!
Picture it: Trivia night, 2022. Three authors and scholars assemble to form an unstoppable team of know-it-alls with knowledge so deep about our favorite show, it’s almost like they were there when it was happening.
Now, meet our Golden-Con super experts, our “Encyclopedia Goldennica” panel.

Jim Colucci
Jim Colucci adds New York Times bestselling author and “The Golden Girls” expert panache to our live host crew. He’ll lend his significant knowledge to “Encyclopedia Goldennica,” our panel for Golden Girls nerds.

Jim is a Los Angeles-based freelance entertainment writer whose work has appeared in such publications as TV Guide and CBS’ Watch! magazine, where he served as a Deputy Editor.
He has appeared on such shows as CNN’s History of the Sitcom, and for a decade delivered a weekly on-air entertainment report on “The Frank DeCaro Show” on Sirius XM radio.
His books include the November 2021 release All in the Family: The Show That Changed Television, co-authored with Norman Lear, as well as Will & Grace: Fabulously Uncensored, The Q Guide to The Golden Girls and the New York Times best-seller Golden Girls Forever.
Matt Browning
Matt Browning is a versatile author whose latest book is “The Definitive Golden Girls Cultural Reference Guide.” He’s a hardcore “Empty Nest” fan who runs the @EmptyNestTV Twitter page.

In addition to “Encyclopedia Goldennica, Matt will host our special panel “Dinah Manoff’s Real True Hollywood Stories.”
Taylor Miller

Dr. Taylor Cole Miller is Assistant Professor of Media Studies at the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse and former Academic Director of the Peabody Awards Media Center at the University of Georgia.
Not to be outdone by the rest of the panel, he’s currently at work on his own book about “The Golden Girls.”
He’s joining Golden-Con’s host crew and rounding out “Encyclopedia Goldennica.”
Catch him on TikTok @tvdoc and @cindyloupeeples.