In a World Without Betty White
Golden-Con Producers Mourn Betty White’s Passing Alongside Millions of Fans

Have you ever known someone whose presence in your life blessed you; uplifted you; made you better?
For millions, billions of TV viewers around the world, Betty M. White’s lifelong optimism, hard work, and seemingly unstoppable ability to make people laugh did just that.
That’s how she became a seven time competitive Emmy Award winner and the First Lady of American Television.
The Golden-Con crew of organizers are like millions of fans around the world in that we did not have the privilege of getting to know Miss White personally.
But just like each and every one of her millions of fans, we loved her just the same.
Each time we switch on a TV, we’ll be blessed to share — right alongside those millions of fellow fans — in the golden legacy of laughter and positivity she leaves behind.
May God bless the people who loved and cared for her. May God bless her fans everywhere.
—Brad Balof and Zack Hudson